August 21, 2022
QIC: Pony Express, Geiger
16 PAX
PAX: Pony Express, Flight Nurse, mr.kotter, Space Cowboy, Wapner, Heisenberg, Geiger, Banjo, HumpDay, THE HOFF, Pixel Pusher, King Tut, Bing, Kix
FNGs: None
Other PAX: Safari, Skeeter
We ran. 12 different 4-mile runs, spaced out every 4 hours for 48 hours: Halyburton, River Lights, Baywatch, LLP, Summer’s Rest, Empie, 43 Feet, UNCW, Ogden Park, Marsh Oaks, Poplar Grove, and finally Greenfield Lake. Pony Express and YHC did all 12; King Tut, Mr Kotter, The Hoff, Heisenberg and Humpday all kept us company for at least 12 miles. Super awesome to have fresh faces along the way to inject new conversations and fresh legs into the runs. Thanks to all who supported along the way (shoutout to Mr Incredible for hosting us at his pool). And I can’t express how impressive Pony was for gritting it out through all the cramps…the mind discipline and perseverance that guy has is other worldly. Go out and support each other’s CSAUPs…it’s a ton of fun!